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The Latino Dialogue:
Collaboration with
CSUMB/National Steinbeck Center and
Alisal Center for the Fine Arts |
California State University of Monterey Bay, The National Steinbeck
Center and the Alisal Center for the Fine Arts have begun to work in a collaborative
community partnership to sponsor a yearlong series of dialogues to engage
the larger Latino community in a cultural conversation on community arts
values and needs.
The focus of the Latino Dialogue is: |
- To learn more about the Latino community practices in the
arts and culture
- To identify what arts needs can be served through regional
- To identify the role of the arts in health, education, juvenile
justice and other aspects of community sustainability
- To open more communication in our region and provide a
forum for documenting shared cultural arts and community
It is our hope that these dialogues and their documented results will
provide community artists, organizers and practitioners a supportive model
for their work and in addition provide knowledge for others in community
organizations serving Latinos in our region.
In order to develop this ethos of cultural exchange it is important to
appreciate the cultural models of communication that already exist in
our Latino communities. In the Latino community there are several
ways in which communities consider dialogue and two of the oldest
are la resolana, a form of story telling which perpetuate the sharing of
community knowledge and the tertulia, a social gathering with literary or
artistic overtones. These models serve to enhance the personal relationship
with the community and to generate community knowledge and social
networks. Personalismo is a cultural value largely associated with how
Latino communities operate. It is an important part of family relationships
and interpersonal relationships. Perhaps the most important aspects of
personalismo are respect, honor, and courtesy.
We believe beginning with our own cultural models will lead us to deeper
understanding, community problem solving and community strength. We
welcome you to the first Latino Dialogue and look forward to our future
Our first dialogue followed the process below and included a number of
community members.
Latino Dialog Needs Assessment 2009
The needs assessment for the Latino Initiative has included two small
gatherings including a preliminary tertulia at a local coffee house on
Friday, February 13, 2009 with representatives from Alisal Center for the
Fine Arts headed by Jose Ortiz and Luis Serna and community members
from the National Steinbeck Center led by Deborah Silguero. At the first
meeting the members determined that their needed to be a second larger
community discussion focused on both values and needs in the Latino
community in regard to community service in the arts. The previously
listed goals were designed to guide the discussion and to provide results
that could serve to guide the Latino Initiative in building a cultural
sustainability model.
At the next gathering the attendees, a group of community leaders, artists, and CSUMB faculty, divided into groups of four and participated in a process of
personal storytelling and a series of questions aimed at determining the needs
and issues in the Latino community in regard to the arts. The groups each
discussed the following questions: |
- Please begin by having each person at your table share a personal
story about their own experience in cultura or arte
- After each person has had a chance to speak please discuss these
o What do you think are the best aspects of Latino culture and
o From your perspective what are the cultural arts services
most needed in the Latino community?
o What ways can the cultural arts help to improve the life of
youth, families and others in the Latino community?
o What other topics would you like your group to discuss?
o What would you like the next Latino Dialogue to address?
The conversations were noted and the groups each selected one person
to provide highlights of the conversation. The following highlights are
indicators of the level of engagement with the topic. The presentations were
also videotaped for documentation. |
The discussions and definitions of cultura and arte included references to
family life, to personal art, to folk traditions and folk forms in early childhood.
The discussions also revealed philosophic values about the role of art and
culture in being a well-educated or well-rounded person. The growth of
indigenous communities was discussed and references to their traditional
crafts such as weaving and pottery were seen as reflections of culture and art.
In regard to existing institutions a number of participants mentioned the need
to have Latino art exhibitions to serve the youth. Others felt that another
critical topic was the role of art as an alternative in the challenge of juvenile
justice issues. In one table the discussion of the need for identity and selfesteem
was directly linked to the need for more art and culture material
presented in the region by arts organizations. Many participants noted that
Latinos needed to be involved in the decision making at the arts institutions
and that more permanent exhibits of Mexican history, regional history and
farm worker history were needed. The performing arts also was valued and
several groups brought up the value of the Teatro Campesino, a performing
arts company rooted in the farm worker struggle.
In probing the need for arts services the desire for institution building was
often mentioned. Particular projects were noted especially one involving a
Latino cultural center linked to the historic role of Cesar Chavez and the Civil
Rights era in Salinas Valley as well as the need for a cultural center in the
Alisal neighborhood.
While this was a first small gathering there was a desire on the part of
the participants to develop a network and to determine some future steps.
Suggestions included inviting more participants from the juvenile justice
system, the farm worker community and some of the other established arts
organizations in the region. This brief model of discussion indicates the need
for more assessment of community need and of community, the desire for
support in community building and participation in the determination of arts
programming in local institutions. The next Latino dialogue will occur in May
in East Salinas and another smaller tertulia at the farm worker housing project
in Castroville. CSUMB is also in the process of identifying Latino students
across disciplines who might be interested in supporting the dialogues. |